New Issues 2018
(January - March)
This page collects only issues released during
the year 2018, period January to March.
As it is not such obvious as it looks to find
this information, this list is probably not yet complete.
In certain countries, joint issues are often announced on
the day of the issue and sometimes it takes months before
this information and the corresponding stamps reach us. Data
on missing issues or supplementary information, particularly
for countries, which are producing joint issues exceptionally,
will be highly appreciated.
Most recent update of this section on July 22, 2018 .
2018 (January 5) - [T20180105]
Romania - Slovakia
25 years of diplomatic relations. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. The cemetery of the Romanian Royal Army in the city of Zvolen; monument. Multicolored.
1 stamp per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDC
2018 (January 25) - [T20180125]
India - Vietnam
Ancient architecture. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. A, Sanchi Stupa; B, Pho Minh Pagoda. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - souvenir sheet with 2 stamps (India) - FDCs

2018 (February 7) - [T20180207]
Dominican Republic - Peru
Historical links and friendship between both countries. Twin issue [T1].
Identical souvenir sheets with 2 stamps each. A, portrait of Grand Marshall Ramón Castilla y Marquesado (1797-1867) in front of Peruvian flag; B, portrait of General Gregorio Luperón in front of Dominican flag; margins: landscapes, Pico Duarte (Dominican Republic) and Machu Pichu (Peru). Multicolored.
Souvenir sheets with 2 stamps - FDCs

2018 (February 17) - [T20180217]
India - Iran
Relationship. Ports: Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. A, Deendayal Port in Kandla (India); B, Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar (Iran). Multicolored.
2 stamps in pane (India) - souvenir sheets with 2 stamps (India and Iran) - FDCs

2018 (February 21) - [T20180221]
Qatar - Turkey
45 years of diplomatic relations. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. A, Rumeli Hisari (Rumelian Castle), Istanbul and Ankara Castle, Ankara, Turkey; B, Al Zubarah Fort, Al Shamal and Barzan Towers, Umm Salal, Qatar. Multicolored.
Miniature sheets with 2 stamps - FDCs
2018 (March 20) - [T20180320]
Bulgaria - Russia
140th anniversary of the end of the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878). Twin issue [T1].
Souvenir sheets with 2 identical stamps. The Russian souvenir sheet contains a third stamp showing a different portrait. Stamps show portraits: A, Nikolai Grigoryevich Stolenov (1831-1912), commander of the defense of the Shipka Pass; B, Count Iosif Vladimirovich Gurko (1828-1901), Russian general, liberator of Bulgaria; C, Eduard Ivanovich Totleben (1818-1884), Russian general and military engineer; margin show map of the Plevna surroundings. Multicolored.
Miniature sheets with 2 stamps - FDCs
