New Issues 2017
(April - June)
This page collects only issues released during
the year 2017, period April to June.
As it is not such obvious as it looks to find
this information, this list is probably not yet complete.
In certain countries, joint issues are often announced on
the day of the issue and sometimes it takes months before
this information and the corresponding stamps reach us. Data
on missing issues or supplementary information, particularly
for countries, which are producing joint issues exceptionally,
will be highly appreciated.
Most recent update of this section on June 11, 2018.
2017 (April 4) - [T20170404]
Israel - Portugal
Diplomatic relationship; 40 years of friendship; Israeli Mediterranean Mammal Research and Assistance Center (IMMRAC). Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), boat with two observers and both flags. Multicolored.
1 stamp per country - miniature sheets - tête-bêche pair for Portugal - FDCs - mixed FDC - souvenir leaf
2017 (April 8) - [T20170408]
Canada - France
100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge (April 9-14, 1917 - “Chemin des Dames” battle). Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps issued in souvenir sheet, additionally in a booklet for one Canadian stamp. Two views of the commemorative monument; sculptures. Multicolored.
Souvenir sheet with 2 stamps - 1 self-adhesive stamp (Canada) - booklet (Canada) - FDCs - mixed FDC - mixed “pochette” - mixed “Official Document” (France)

2017 (April 13) - [T20170413]
Brazil - Germany
500 years Reform. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Stylized portrait of Martin Luther (1483-1546), German theologist and reformer. 500th Anniversary of the posting of the reformation thesis at the door of the Wittenberg church (October 31, 1517). Multicolored.
1 stamp - miniature sheet with 10 stamps (Germany) - booklet (Germany) - Numisblatt - Numis folder - postal stationery (Germany) - FDCs - mixed FDC - mixed ETB (Germany)

2017 (May 9) - [N20170509]
Aland (May 9) - Albania (November 18) - Andorra (French) (May 5) - Andorra (Spanish) (April 21) - Armenia (July 10) - Austria (May 9) - Azerbaijan (April 16) - Azores (May 9) - Belarus (April 20) - Belgium (June 12) - Bosnia (Croatia) (May 9) - Bosnia Herzegovina (May 9) - Bosnia (Serbia) (April 28) - Bulgaria (May 4) - Croatia (May 9) - Czech Republic (May 3) - Cyprus (May 4) - Cyprus (Turkish) (May 11) - Denmark (January 2) - Estonia (May 8) - Faeroe (May 15) - Finland (May 9) - France (May 14) - Georgia (October 5) - Germany (May 11) - Gibraltar (February 6) - Great Britain (February 15) - Greece (May 18) - Greenland (May 15) - Guernsey (May 4) - Hungary (May 5) - Iceland (April 27) - Ireland (May 4) - Isle of Man (January 19) - Italy (May 9) - Jersey (March 2) - Kazakhstan (August 31) - Kosovo (May 9) - Latvia (April 21 ) - Liechtenstein (March 6) - Lithuania (April 29) - Luxembourg (May 7) - Macedonia (May 8) - Madeira (May 9) - Malta (May 9) - Moldova (April 28) - Monaco (May 9) - Montenegro (May 9) - Nagorno Karabakh (April 21) - Netherlands (February 20) - Norway (April 21) - Poland (May 5) - Portugal (May 9) - Romania (April 12) - Russia (March 15) - San Marino (March 7) - Serbia (May 9) - Slovakia (May 5) - Slovenia (May 26) - Spain (April 21) - Sweden (March 16) - Switzerland (May 11) - Turkey (May 9) - Ukraine (June 9) - Vatican (May 4)
Europa CEPT issue (not a joint issue in 2017) - Topic: castles. Non-approved joint issue [N].
2017 (May 11) - [P20170511]
Romania - United Nations
Endangered species. Parallel issue [P1].
Different stamps but with the same design. Romania: A, Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca); B, Merlin (Falco columbarius); C, Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra); D, Beluga (Huso huso); United Nations (Geneva): E, Pygmy chameleon (Rhampholeon spp.); F, Devil ray (Mobula spp.); G, Grandidier’s baobab (Adansonia grandidieri); H, Green burrowing frog (Scaphiophryne marmorata); United Nations (New York): I, Masobe gecko (Paroedura masobe); J, Thresher shark (Alopias spp.); K, Clarion angelfish (Holacanthus clarionensis); L, Blaine’s fishhook cactus (Sclerocactus blainei); United Nations (Vienna): M, Caucasian tur (Capra caucasica); N, Nautilus (Nautilidae spp.); O, Natal ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus); P, William’s dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi). Multicolored.
4 stamps (Romania) - miniature sheets (Romania) - souvenir sheets (UN) - postal stationery (Romania) - Maxi cards (UN) - FDCs - mixed FDCs


2017 (May 13) - [T20170513]
Austria - Croatia - Hungary (May 12) - Slovenia - Ukraine
300th birthday of Maria Theresia (1717-1780). Twin issue [T1].
Identical souvenir sheets with one stamp. Portrait of Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria and Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, Roman-German Emperor. Multicolored.
Souvenir sheet with 1 stamp - FDCs - mixed FDCs with stamps or with souvenir sheets

2017 (May 15) - [D20170515]
Denmark - Faeroe - Greenland
50th anniversary of Queen's wedding. Territorial twin issue [TD].
Identical stamps and souvenir sheets. Portraits of Queen Margrethe II (born 1940, queen since 1972) and Prince Henrik (1934-2018). Multicolored.
Souvenir sheet with 1 stamp - isolated stamp in panes (Greenland) - FDCs - mixed folder with all three souvenir sheets - mixed FDCs

2017 (May 22) - [T20170522]
Bulgaria - Ukraine
Black Sea fauna and flora. Twin issue [T1].
Identical miniature sheets with two stamps. Black Sea Dolphin (Delphinus delphis ponticus); B, Marine Bivalve Mollusc, Wings of an angel (Barnea candida). Multicolored.
Souvenir sheet with 2 stamps - FDCs - mixed FDC with stamps - mixed FDCs with souvenir sheets - mixed maxi cards

2017 (May 24) - [T20170524]
Aland - Finland
Nordic sauna culture. Twin issue [T1].
Two identical stamps. Pictures from saunas, result from a photography competition. Aland issued two stamps and a souvenir sheet with both stamp. Finland issued a booklet with 5 different stamps. Only two designs are common. Multicolored.
2 stamps (Aland) - miniature sheets (Aland) - souvenir sheet with 2 stamps (Aland) - booklet with 5 different stamps (Finland) - FDCs - mixed FDC with both identical stamps - mixed maxi cards

2017 (June 26) - [T20170626]
France - Philippines
Diplomatic relations 70th anniversary. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Paintings; A, Macario Vitalis (1898-1989), « Women’s meeting »; B, Gaston Duchamp aka Jacques Villon (1875-1963), « Landscape ». Multicolored.
2 stamps - souvenir sheet with 2 stamps (France) - miniature sheet with 4 pairs of stamps (Philippines) - FDCs - mixed FDCs with all 4 stamps

2017 (June 30) - [T20170630]
Belarus - Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Express Post)
Horses. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Horses: A, Trakehner horse; B, Novokyrgyz horse. Stamps issued in miniature sheets of three vertically se-tenant pairs with a landscape illustration in the margin; lakes for Belarus, mountains for Kyrgyzstan. Multicolored.
2 se-tenant stamps - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed maxi cards
