New Issues 2015
(October - December)
This page collects only issues released during
the year 2015, period October to December.
As it is not such obvious as it looks to find
this information, this list is probably not yet complete.
In certain countries, joint issues are often announced on
the day of the issue and sometimes it takes months before
this information and the corresponding stamps reach us. Data
on missing issues or supplementary information, particularly
for countries, which are producing joint issues exceptionally,
will be highly appreciated.
Most recent update of this section on February 20, 2017.
2015 (October 14) - [T20151014]
Azerbaijan (October 16) - Moldova
Relationship. Folk dances. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Moldovian dance, Moldoveneascan; B, Yalli dance from Azerbaijan. Multicolored.
2 se-tenant stamps per country - miniature sheets - imperforate stamps (Azebaijan) - FDCs - mixed FDC

2015 (October 19) - [P20151019]
Mexico - Russia
125 years of relationship. Architecture. Parallel issue [P1].
Similar stamps showing the same buiding but in different views. Petroskaya fortress near the Neva River, Sankt Petersburg and Chapultepec Palace in Mexico City. Multicolored.
2 se-tenant stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDC - mixed maxicards

2015 (October 23) - [T20151023]
Italy - San Marino
Science and Technology Park “Techno Science Park” San Marino - Italy. Twin issue [T1]
Identical stamps. A, young with glasses, hat and bulb; B, 3D-microworld, symbolized 3D-printer, drone, molecules, flags of Italy and San Marino. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDC - mixed booklet

2015 (October 26) - [N20151026]
Belgium - Vatican (November 19)
Christmas issue. Medieval art and book miniature illuminations with stamps based on the same painting. Vatican issued two stamps, the second being a detail from the first one. The same illustration appears in one of the two stamps from the Belgium souvenir sheet. Both postal administrations have declared this is not a joint issue, despite the identical illustration source (actually this issue was originally planned to become a joint issue, but failed). Non-approved issue [N].
2015 (October 28) - [T20151028]
Kazakhstan - United Arab Emirates
Relationship: presidents of both countries. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Portraits of Sheikh Halifa ben Zaid Al Nahayan (1948- ) and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev (1940- ). Multicolored.
2 stamps - miniature sheets - FDCs
2015 (October 28)
Portugal - Timor Leste (November 28) - [C20151028]
500 years of discovery of Timor by Portuguese navigators. Concerted issue [C2].
Similar stamps. A, mountain landscape and woman carrying baskets with either sandalwood (santalum album) (Portugal) or monument honoring first landing of Portuguese (Timor Leste); B, wooden traditional house (Portugal) or Monument honoring first landing of Portuguese (Timor Leste), Aleixo Corte-Real, known as Dom Aleixo Timorese (1886-1943), fabric; C (souvenir sheet), art craft braided from flower stripe model of a traditional house, artwork in form of a crocodile; background: map, sandalwood. Multicolored.
2 stamps - 1 souvenir sheet (Portugal) - FDCs

2015 (November 2) - [T20151102]
Sri Lanka - Thailand
60 years of diplomatic relations. Architecture. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Largest stupas in both countries: Jetavanaramaya Stupa, in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (largest stupa in the world, 122m height) and Wat Phra Kaew (Phra Sri Rattana chedi in Sri Lankan style) in Bangkok, Thailand. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - miniature sheets - special miniature sheet (Thailand) - FDCs - mixed folder with stamps mint - mixed FDC

2015 (November 6) - [T20151106]
Serbia (November 9) - Slovenia
Music: 180th anniversary of Davorin Jenko (1835-1914). Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Portrait of the musician, conductor and composer Davorin Jenko. Multicolored.
1 stamp per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDC - mixed maxicards
2015 (November 11) - [T20151111]
Laos - Russia
55 years of diplomatic relations; Architecture. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Pha That Luang temple in Ventian, Laos which building started in 1566; Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky’s church (Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Nerl River) built in 1165; printed in miniature sheets of 4 pairs [3x3] with central label. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - miniature sheets - souvenir sheet (Laos) - FDCs

2015 (November 24) - [T20151124]
France - United Nations (Geneva - New York - Vienna)
COP21 (Conference of the Parties) organized in Le Bourget near Paris, France from November 30 to December 11, 2015. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. 21st United Nations Climate Change ConferenceA, common stamp to France and the UN office of New York), Growing plant with roots looking like the Eiffel Tower; B, Eiffel Tower appearing between dots (UN Geneva Office); C, people, town, forrest, Eiffel Tower (UN Vienna office). Multicolored.
1 stamp per country - 2 additionnal stamps for UN Vienna and Geneva - FDCs - mixed FDC

2015 (November 24) - [S20151124]
India - Singapore
50th anniversary of relationship - Architecture. Siamese issue [S2].
Identical stamps. Official residences of the presidents: A, Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi, India; B, Istana in Singapore. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - mixed souvenir sheet - FDCs - mixed FDC

2015 (November 25) - [T20151125]
Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Guatemala - El Salvador - Venezuela
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. World picture and bloody hand, face of a woman, butterflies; the five names of the countries involved in this issue appear on the stamp. Multicolored.
One stamp per country - FDCs

2015 (November 27) - [S20151127]
Antigua and Barbuda - Ascension Island - Bahamas - Barbados - British Antarctic Territory - Cook Islands - Falkland Islands - Grenada - Isle of Man - Kenya - Nevis - New Zealand - Niue - Papua New Guinea - St. Kitts - St Vincent and The Grenadines - Samoa - Sierra Leone - South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands - Tanzania - Tokelau - Tonga - Tristan Da Cunha - Turks and Caicos Islands - Tuvalu - Uganda - Zambia
50th anniversary of the formation of the Commonwealth Secretariat - 2015, the year in which Her Majesty The Queen Elisabeth II became Britain's longest reigning monarch. Siamese omnibus panel [SO].
27 different stamps from 27 countries in the same sheet. Different portraits of Queen Elisabeth II (all these stamps with the exception of the Isle of Man stamp, have been issued earlier at occasions not linked to this issue, chosen by the postal entities themselves with stamps as old as 1977); margins feature the flags of the 27 countries. Multicolored.
Large mixed souvenir sheet with 27 stamps

2015 (November 27) - [T20151127]
Italy - Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM)
St John The Baptist Hospital in Rome. Non accepted twin issue [NT].
Identical miniature sheet with two stamps. Order of Malta hospital; A, castel Magliana; B, new hospital building. Multicolored.
Souvenir sheet with two stamps - FDCs - mixed FDC with stamps - mixed FDC with souvenir sheet

2015 (December 3) - [T20151203]
Azerbaijan - Belarus
Space for IT technologies. Twin issue [T1].
Identical miniature sheet with two stamps. Stylized earth; satellites DZZ and Azerspace-1. Multicolored.
Souvenir sheets with two stamps - FDCs - mixed FDC with souvenir sheet

2015 (December 8) - [N20151208]
Italy - Vatican
Opening of the Porta Santa on December 8, 2015 by Pope Francis. With proclamation of the Anno Santo della Misericordia. Italy and Vatican issued a special mixed folder with (only) one mint stamp from each country and both December 8, 2015 cancelled covers bearing those stamps. These covers are not FDCs as Italian stamps had officially been issued on December 7, 2015 (4 stamps) and Vatican stamps on November 19, 2015 (two stamps). Non-approved issue [N].
2015 (December 17) - [T20151217]
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cape Verde - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea Bissau - Ivory Coast - Liberia - Mali - Niger - Nigeria (December 7) - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo
40th anniversary of ECOWAS/CEDEAO. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps (on the stamps use of all languages from this area: English, French and Portuguese). Figure “40”, symbol and map of the area. Multicolored.
One stamp per country - some special non-perforated imprints - FDCs
Exact dates of issue still to be confirmed for some countries (probably December 17, 2015 for all of them, date of the official launch ceremony). Nigeria issued its stamp already on December 7, 2015. This series was initially scheduled to be released on May 28, 2015, exact anniversary date of the creation of ECOWAS which is also the date of the cancellation of the siamese item. Cape Verde listed it in its 2015 program in July

2015 (December 18) - [T20151218]
Poland - Ukraine
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Wooden Tserkvas of Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. A, 17th century St. Paraskevy church in Kvyaton, Poland; B, 15th-16th century St. Georg (Yura) church in Drogobich, Ukraine. Multicolored.
1 stamp per country - miniature sheets - FDCs
2015 (December 21) - [T20151221]
Brazil - Romania
Relationship - Sculptor. Twin issue [T3].
Identical stamps. Two stamps representing sculptures of Eva from Victor Brecheret (1894-1955), Brazilian artist and Gheorghe Leonida (1893-1942), Romanian artist. Multicolored.
Two stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs