New Issues 2015
(July - September)
This page collects only issues released during
the year 2015, period July to September.
As it is not such obvious as it looks to find
this information, this list is probably not yet complete.
In certain countries, joint issues are often announced on
the day of the issue and sometimes it takes months before
this information and the corresponding stamps reach us. Data
on missing issues or supplementary information, particularly
for countries, which are producing joint issues exceptionally,
will be highly appreciated.
Most recent update of this section on February 7, 2016.
2015 (July 9) - [P20150709]
Croatia - Cyprus - Greece - Lebanon - Libya - Malta - Morocco (August 12) - Palestine - Portugal - Slovenia - Tunisia
EuroMed 2015. Boats of the Mediterranean Sea. Parallel issue [P1].
Different stamps showing different boats. All stamps bear the EuroMed Postal logo. Multicolored.
One stamp per country - miniature sheets - booklet for Greece - FDCs


2015 (July 15) - [D20150715]
Cook Island - Samoa (July 21) - Tonga (July 20)
800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. Territorial twin issue [TD].
Identical stamps. Four stamps illustrated with symbols, coats of arm and texts related to the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is an English charter drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular King John of England and a group of rebel barons on June 15, 1215.This document became the origin of the English law, the US Declaration of Independence or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Multicolored.
4 stamps per country - FDCs

2015 (July 16) - [T20150716]
France - Mexico
Gilberto Bosques Saldivar (1892-1995), 20th anniversary of his death. Mexican diplomat, general consul in Paris. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Two stamps per country. Portrait and buildings, French consulate building in Mexico-city and Mexican consulate in Paris. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDC

2015 (August 8) - [T20150808]
Brunei - Cambodia - Indonesia - Laos - Malaysia - Myanmar - Philippines - Singapore - Thailand - Vietnam (August 7 and December 31)
ASEAN anniversary issue. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. 48th anniversary of the ASEAN community; Emblem with flag colors. Multicolored.
One stamp per country (except Myanmar, 2 stamps) - FDCs - mixed folder with mint stamps
2015 (August 13) - [T20150813]
Guatemala - Paraguay
Relationship: Main post offices. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Main post offices of the capital cities. Multicolored.
2 stamps per country - FDCs

2015 (August 14) - [S20150814]
Australia - New Zealand - Singapore
50 years of bilateral relations between the three countries. Siamese issue [S2].
Identical stamps. Parliament houses: A, Australia, parliament house opened in 1988, B, New Zealand (2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the relocation of the Parliament house from Auckland to Wellington), parliament house rebuilt in 1907 after a fire and extended in 1979; C, Singapore parliament house opened in 1999. The stamps were issued also at the occasion of the international philatelic exhibition “Singapore 2015”, August 14-19, 2015. The mixed souvenir sheet was issued by New Zealand Post. Multicolored.
3 stamps per country (except New Zealand only one) - miniature sheets - souvenir sheets with 3 stamps - mixed souvenir sheets - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed maxicards - special folders - special souvenir sheets from philatelic exhibition Singapore 2015

2015 (August 20) - [T20150820]
Sweden - United States of America
Legends of Hollywood series: 100th birthday of Ingrid Bergman (1915-1982). Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Portraits A and B. Multicolored.
One identical stamp - miniature sheets - two stamps in coils (Sweden) - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed maxicards

2015 (August 23) - [N20150823]
China (PR) - Macao (December 10)
Yellow River landscapes. Despite the great similarity these stamps cannot be considered as a joint issue as none of the two entities have claimed a joint character. Non-accepted issue [N].
2015 (August 28) - [T20150828]
North Korea - Russia
70th anniversary of the liberation of Korea. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Arch of triumph in Pyongjang. Multicolored.
One stamp per country - miniature sheets - postal stationery (North Korea) - imperforate stamps (North Korea) - FDCs

2015 (September 2) - [T20150902]
Israel - Vatican
2014 Visit of Pope Francis to Israel (May 24-26, 2014). Twin issue [T1].
Identical miniature sheets with one stamp. Tomb of Christ Church in Jerusalem; margin of Vatican miniature sheet shows a portrait of Pope Francis and the wall of Jerusalem; Israel miniature sheet has only the wall of Jerusalem in the margin. Vatican issued also four stamps related to former visits of the Pope to Turkey (28-30 November 2014), France, Strasbourg (25 November 2014), Albania (21 September 2014) and South Korea (13-18 August 2014). Multicolored.
One souvenir sheet per country - FDCs - mixed FDCs with souvenir sheets - mixed FDCs with stamps - mixed maxi-cards - mixed Souvenir leaf (Isreal)

2015 (September 3) - [T20150903]
Aland - Switzerland
Folk dress broches. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Two stamps showing older folk dress silver broches from both countries; Aland, dress shawl buckle; Switzerland, Bernese Sunday costume broche. Squared lozenges stamps. Multicolored.
Two stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed folders
2015 (September 7) - [C20150907]
Liechtenstein - Slovenia (September 25)
Alpine landscapes. Concerted issue [C1].
Identical stamps. A, Malbun valley (Liechtenstein); B, Velika Planina (Slovenia). Multicolored.
2 se-tenant stamps per country - miniature sheets - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed maxicards
2015 (September 9) - [O20150909]
Ascension - Bahamas - British Antarctic Territory - Falkland Islands - South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands - Tristan da Cunha
Britain's longest reigning monarch (QEII) - Omnibus series with four stamps per country. Multicolored.
4 stamps per country - FDCs

2015 (September 18) - [T20150918]
Singapore - Thailand
Diplomatic relations 50th anniversary. Local desserts. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. A, Mango and sticky rice; B, Ice cream sandwich. Thailand issued souvenir sheets containing two stamps in form of a mango at the occasion of the philatelic exhibition “Hong Kong 2015”. Multicolored.
Two stamps per country - miniature sheets - souvenir sheet (Thailand) - special souvenir sheets (Thailand - mango shaped) - FDCs - mixed FDCs

2015 (September 22) - [T20150922]
Azerbaijan - Russia
Contemporary architecture. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Two stamps showing old buildings (Qiz Qalasi - Maiden Tower and Kremlin) and skyscrapers (Flame Towers and Moscow-City International Business Center) respectively in Baku and Moscow. Multicolored.
2 se-tenant stamps per country - miniature sheets - imperforate stamps (Azerbaijan) - FDCs - mixed maxicards - mixed folder

2015 (September 25) - [T20150925]
France - Mauritius
300th anniversary of the landing of French explorer Guillaume Dufresne d’Arsel in Mauritius (1715). Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Ship “Chasseur” from the French East India Company in front of Mauritius Island. Multicolored.
One stamp per country - FDCs - mixed FDCs - mixed official document - Philatelic pochette (2 stamps from each country, mint) - mixed maxi-cards
