New Issues 2005
(September - December)
This page collects only issues released during
the year 2005, period September to December.
As it is not such obvious as it looks to find
this information, this list is probably not yet complete.
In certain countries, joint issues are often announced on
the day of the issue and sometimes it takes months before
this information and the corresponding stamps reach us. Data
on missing issues or supplementary information, particularly
for countries, which are producing joint issues exceptionally,
will be highly appreciated.
Most recent update of this section on February
12, 2006.
2005 (September 9)
Belgium (September 10) - Singapore (September 9)
Reassignment of commercial warehouses.
Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Buildings: shophouse in Kandahar street
in the Kampong Glam district (Singapore), row of shophouses
along Bukit Pasoh in the China town district (Singapore, 1935
and 1910), Belgium center for Comic Strip Art (Brussels, 1903),
Museum of Musical Instruments (Brussels, 1899). Multicolored.
4 stamps - one souvenir sheet - FDCs - mixed FDC
2005 (September 21)
Bhutan - New Caledonia - United Nations (Geneva - New York
- Vienna)
Children’s artwork - My dream for peace one day (sponsored
by the Lion’s Club International). Twin
issue [TX].
In total six different stamps were issued by each country,
but only four are common between Bhutan and the United Nations,
and a single one for New Caledonia. Children’s drawings:
United Nations, (Geneva) A, dove, Marisa Harun (age 12, Indonesia),
B, decoration, Carlos Javier Paramon Teixido (age 12, Spain);
(New York) C, candle, Vittorio Sansebastiano (age 12, Italy),
D, bulb, Jordan Harris (age 13, USA); (Vienna) E, world and
umbrella, Lee Min Gi (age 12, South Korea), F, people and
doves, Natalie Chan (age 13, USA) - Bhutan, six stamps in
a souvenir sheet in the following order: F, C, G, children,
Monsour Mendoza (Philippines), A, H, world and light, Engpeng
Song (USA), E. The United Nations stamps are printed in panes
of twenty stamps with a large right illustrated margin. A
different cut was used for stamp E. Multicolored.
2005 (September 22)
China - Netherlands
Water management in both countries. Twin
issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Windmills and waterwheel. The margins of
the Dutch stamps are “Priority” labels. Multicolored.
Two stamps - FDCs

2005 (September 23)
Sweden - United States
Greta Garbo (1905-1990), film actress of Swedish origin, hundredth
anniversary of her birth. Twin issue
Identical stamps. A, Portrait of Greta Garbo, based on a 1932
portrait from Clarence Sinclair; Sweden issued a second stamp
(B) showing a caricature of the actress by Swedish cartoonist
Einar Nerman (1888-1983). Swedish stamps are issued in booklet
of two se-tenant pairs, chessboard pattern. Black and white;
the second Swedish stamp is also violet.
1 stamp - booklet (Sweden) - souvenir sheet (Sweden) -
FDCs - mixed FDC
The Swedish postal administration issued on September 23,
2005 a miniature sheet containing four identical stamps with
the portrait of Greta Garbo, beside a booklet containing also
4 stamps but only two portraits and two cartoons. The number
of miniature sheets officially printed was 30,000. With the
big interest of US stamp collectors for this item (compare
to the figure of 40 millions stamps issued by the USPS), the
price of this item went very high (see present eBay offers).
Surprisingly, two types of miniature sheets can be found:
one bearing a printing number figure (apparently up to 30,000)
together with the figure "1" or "2" at the bottom of each
sheetlet, and miniature sheets without figures. It might be
possible that the Swedish Post has re-issued this miniature
sheet making the high prices only relevant for those with
a printed number. Care: so far this is not an explanation,
but only an hypothesis. We are waiting for more explanations,
but any hint would be helpful for everybody.
2005 (September 30)
Afghanistan () - Iran (September 30) - Syria (September 30)
- Turkey (September 30)
Our cultural assets. Twin issue
One stamp per country. Syria and Turkey stamps are identical.
Portrait of Jalal al Din Muhammad Rumi (1207-1273), his tomb
and the Sema dance of the whirling dervishes. Multicolored.
Afghanistan and Iran stamps have not issued stamp at the
same date as the other countries, apparently due to paper
shortage. The Iranian stamp was available 63 days after September
30, but the official first day remains on the common date.
Afghanistan stamp was printed in Iran.
2005 (October 3) - [O20051003]
Ascension (October 3) - Bahamas (November 8) - Nauru (October
12) - Saint Helena (October 4) - Solomon Islands (October
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1975) - Christmas 2005. Concerted
omnibus series [CO]. Four to six stamps,
tales showing mainly animals. One common stamp for each country,
showing a Christmas tree (The little fir tree). Multicolored.
2005 (October 10)
Iran - Spain
Diplomatic relationship. Gardens of the farm of San Ildefonso
and garden of Shazadeh near Kerman Iran. Twin
issue [T1]. Stamp initially planned
to be issued as twin series, but due to shortage of paper,
the Iranian stamps were issued by December 2005, but the official
first day remained October 10, 2005.
Identical se-tenant stamps with central label; actually rows
of two pairs separated by a single label. Gardens; the central
label shows the flags of both countries. Multicolored.
2 stamps with label - FDCS

2005 (October 13)
Canada - China (People’s Republic)
35th Anniversary of diplomatic relationship (agreement signed
on October 13, 1970). Twin issue
Identical se-tenant stamps. Canadian Cougar and Amour Leopard.
Canada printed the same pair of stamps in a souvenir sheet
with rounded top right and bottom left corners. Multicolored.
2 stamps - miniature sheets - souvenir sheets - FDCs -
mixed FDC

2005 (October 18)
Hong Kong, China - Portugal
Old fishing villages. Twin issue
Identical stamps. Two pairs of se-tenant stamps: wooden stilt
houses of Tai O (Hong Kong) and local specialty of dried salted
fish; palafitte landing stage of Aldeia da Carrasqueira (Portugal),
fishing boats, fisherman at work. Multicolored.
4 stamps se-tenant per pair - FDCs - mixed FDC

2005 (October 18) - [O20051018]
Ascension (21 October) - British Indian Ocean Territory -
British Virgin Islands - Jamaica - Kiribati - Nauru - Saint
Helena - Solomon Islands - Tristan da Cunha
200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar (1805-2005).
Twin omnibus series [TO]. Three stamps, one
being common and featuring a portrait of admiral Nelson. The
set for British Virgin Islands contains a fourth stamp representing
the HMS Victory. This stamp is identical to those released
earlier in the first Trafalgar omnibus series [O20050329].
Multicolored (Crown agents).
2005 (October 19)
Estonia - Kazakhstan
Hunting dogs. Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Dogs: Estonian and Kazakh dogs. Multicolored.
2 stamps - FDCs

2005 (October 21)
Gibraltar - Isle of Man
200th anniversary of the battle of Trafalgar. Siamese
issue [S2].
Two different stamps, one from each country, part of one single
souvenir sheet. Each country issued its own mixed souvenir
sheet in which the stamps are the same but there is a slight
difference in the text. Stamps, paintings: A, the death of
Horatio Nelson (1758-1805); B, the funeral of Nelson. Gibraltar
issued also a souvenir sheet containing only stamp A. On January
9, 2005, Isle of Man issued already stamp B, as part of a
series of 2x4 different se-tenant stamps, in the frame of
the first series related to the Trafalgar battle anniversary.
The two mixed souvenir sheets can be identified by the
name of the issuing country and the logo of the respective
post offices printed on it. Jersey issued on the same day
five stamps and one miniature sheet with a different design.

2005 (November 3)
Germany - Israel
40 Years of diplomatic relations. Twin
issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Flags of both countries and text in German
and Hebrew. Multicolored.
1 stamp - FDCs - mixed FDC
2005 (November 10)
France - Vatican
Museums of the Louvre and the Vatican State.
Twin issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Vatican stamps in panes have another denomination
than stamps in souvenir sheets. Painting The Annunciation,
Raphael (1483-1520). Multicolored.
2 stamps (Vatican) - souvenir sheet containing both stamps
(both countries) - FDCs

2005 (November 21)
Bosnia Herzegovina (Croatian Republic) () - Bosnia Herzegovina
(Sarajevo) (January 31) - Bosnia Herzegovina (Serb Republic)
(November 21)
10 years after Dayton Peace agreement. Concerted
issue [C1].
Identical stamp with different formats. Flowers. Multicolored.
1 stamp - FDCs
2005 (November 22)
Switzerland - Vatican
500 years of the Swiss Guard at the Vatican. Twin
issue [T1].
Identical stamps. Two stamps per country. Swiss guards. Multicolored.
2 stamps - FDCs - mixed FDC
2005 (November 22)
International Olympic Committee IOC - Switzerland
20th Olympic games in Turin (Italy). Territorial parallel
issue [PD].
One stamp per postal administration. A, ice hokey; B, curling.